Microsoft Corporation (A Look)

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
MICROSOFT CORP. EVOLUTION Microsoft is the world's largest software company with over 50,000 employees in various countries around the world. It was started in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen to develop BASIC language interpreters for the Altair 8800 microprocessor. The BASIC language is what is called a high level language that makes programming less tedious than programming directly in the machine language (in this case the 8800 machine instruction set). Bill Gates and Paul Allen were trying …

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…For the first quarter FY ending 06/05 revenue totaled $9.189 billion. For the second quarter revenues totaled $10.818 billion. Total revenues for the current fiscal year total $20.007 billion. <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> PROFITS<Tab/><Tab/> Last twelve months: (from Mar. 2004) Microsoft has $38.47 Billion in sales, $10 billion in income and a net profit margin of 26 %.