Michelangelo Buonarroti's life as a child,a young man,and an old timer.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
As an artist he was unmatched, the creator of works of beauty that express the full measurement of the human condition. But in a world where art flourished only with patronizing manner, Michelangelo was caught between the conflicting powers and whims of the Medici family in Florence, and the Papacy in Rome. Unlike many artists of his time, his genius was recognized .He is one of the greatest artists of all time, a man whose …

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… Rome, took possession of his uncle's property and carried off the corpse, concealed in a bale. As soon as they reached Florence, the mortal remains of the "divine artist" were taken to Santa Croce (where Michelangelo himself had wanted to be buried). The inhabitants of Florence turned out in large numbers, venerating the body of their illustrious fellow citizen, "father and master of all the arts," as if it were a sacred relic.