Metaphors in I Have a Dream speech

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
Forty years ago, in the heart of this country's capital, an assembly formed near the Lincoln Memorial, a memorial to the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared all slaves in the Confederacy "free forever". Just as Lincoln did in his time, another man raised during the time of the early sixties, to lead the Civil Rights Movement. The speech, I Have a Dream, given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was not long nor …

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…gender. (King) <Tab/>Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech is simple, yet very profound, having lasting effects on all generations. The metaphors used in the speech helped Dr. King convey the message that needed to be given and clarify his meaning to the audience. Thus, the metaphors helped the people of that time, and present time, understand the importance of equal rights and impacted them in a very effective way.