"Metamorphosis" by Frank Kafka

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
This is a novel written by frank kafka, It's about a young man by the name of Gregor Samsa, A young salesman who lives with and financially supports his parents and younger sister. The story begins when Gregor wakes up one morning discovering that he has miraculously transformed into some kind of monstrous insect. Soon his abilities, tastes, and interests begin to change. No one can understand his insect like dialogue. He likes to scamper …

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…insect like creature and how this caused his family to metamorphosize into a position of self reliance. Basically, The Metamorphosis prevents the imminent rebellion of the son against the father. Gregor had become strong as a result of his father's failure and old age. He crippled his father's self-esteem and took over the father's position in the family. After the metamorphosis, the same sequence takes place in reverse: son becomes weak, and father kills him