Men must fight and women must weep.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
MEDEA "Men must fight and women must weep" Essay on Gender Roles Gender roles are those characteristics, actions or behaviours, for which acceptance and approval within a particular community, and at a specified time, is determined on a gender-specific basis. A very traditional idea of these roles is that men are overt, the protectors, the providers and aggressive: "men must fight..." and women are covert, the victims, passive and emotional "...women must weep". Traditional gender …

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…using deceit, Medea endorses typical gender roles through her revenge on Jason. The "fighter" and the "weeper", the aggressive and the passive, the independent and the dependent: Medea, in Euripides's play Medea is an example of both traditional male and female gender roles accepted in the ancient Greek society. This is shown, just as all gender roles are shown, through her actions or behaviours as well as in her words and reactions. BY shOsh xxOxx