Media's Influence on Young Girls

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Introduction: Media's Influence on Young girls Media is a huge influence today. Our culture is media-saturated: ads, TV, radio, internet, movies, magazines, newspapers, billboards, video games, logos. Media sends messages on several levels: written words which people think are most important but they really aren't; images which are much more powerful than people tend to think; and sounds (music) which create feelings that people are not often conscious of. Media images are coded to reinforce …

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…andards of physical beauty, and heavy pressure concerning having sex. In general, these girls are continually stuck in the cycle of wanting to be different and accepted all at once. As a result, young girls are suffering from serious depression. It is plain and simple, media influences girls to be what they are not, therefore trying to reach these media impacted goals and not succeeding leads girls to be dejected and feel unhappy with themselves.