Medea, Pursuasive Essay

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
I am here today, to show you that the prisoner Medea, who now stands before you, is guilty of the crimes she has been accused of. These crimes didn't serve a purpose; they only satisfied the burning rage in her heart. So, now I call upon you, men of Corinth. To decide whether Medea's acts where justiful. First, the women of Corinth thought she was dangerous. Even by looking in her eyes, you could see …

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…doubt, that Medea is guilty of these terrible crimes. In Conclusion, Medea went from a depressed and sad woman, to a burning rage of anger and madness. She brutally murdered the King and his daughter. Then, violated the little bodies of Jason's children. These, of all crimes are the worst and Medea must suffer the dire consequences. Men of Corinth, I ask of you to send this beast, back to the hell she came from.