Martin Luther King said people have a responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Martin Luther King, Jr. described an unjust law as being "a code that is out of harmony with the moral law." He believed that people have a responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I agree with that statement because a law is something that everyone should believe in, and not something that holds a community back. African Americans in Birmingham were being treated unfairly, and I strongly agree that they have a right to disobey the …

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…disobey the law as a last resort. In Birmingham, they had already tried negotiating, however unsuccessfully, so they rebelled against the laws as their last resort to gain back their stolen rights. Authorities in Birmingham were denying humans their civil rights. The African Americans took action to try and change the unethical laws, and to gain what was rightfully theirs. I believe it was their responsibility and right as humans to disobey the unjust laws.