Martin Luther King

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Nearly three centuries ago, African slaves were brought to the New World and put into slavery. They were treated more cruelly in the United States than in any other country that had ever practiced slavery, and ever since its prohibition, African-Americans have fought oppression. Martin Luther King Jr., would aid immensely in this fight. He was born in Atlanta Georgia in 1929. His father, Martin Luther King Sr. Was a Baptist minister and also preached for …

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…minds of people, and hate crimes as well as white supremacist organizations still exist. If racism itself is ever eliminated, it will only fade away with time, being replaced by another prejudice belittling a part of society. Prejudices have proven to be inevitable in human society and will continue until the end of time. Martin Luther King Jr. played a major part in today's problem, and will have an impact on what is to come.