Marketing and the Marketing Mix.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Marketing and the Marketing Mix This essay describes and explains the concepts of Marketing and the Marketing Mix. MARKETING Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that will satisfy individual and organisational objectives. Marketing is about connecting with customers, serving the needs of society, and accomplishing the goals of the organization. Through customer satisfaction marketing creates the customer loyalty necessary …

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…this involves direct face-to-face communication between sellers and potential customers, eg. supermarket presentations, retail selling techniques. Sales promotion: is aimed at final consumers or users and is usually used to increase demand or speed up time of purchase, eg. banners and streamers in retail stores, sample packages, contests etc. Advertising: this refers to the paid, non-personal presentation of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor eg. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, signs etc.