Marketing and E-Business.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Just as the term e-business no longer refers to the simple practice of conducting business on the Internet, the expression e-CRM has evolved from just an online point application to a more comprehensive, ongoing strategy to enhance the end user's overall experience. Today e-business not only encompasses the exchange of goods and services online, but also has grown to include customer service and business collaboration. In turn, e-CRM, developed as a complement to a business's …

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…to remember that your customers can be from anywhere in the world via the Internet and that languages and customs are different everywhere. By automatically building IP-based intelligence into an e-CRM strategy, companies can gain the advantage as they begin to build solid, global relationships based on connecting with consumers within the parameters of when, where and how they want to be reached as well as providing relevant, personalized information that resonates with their lifestyles.