Marketing Law.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Marketing Law Question 1 (6 marks) George was depressed about his accelerating baldness and decided to follow up an advertisement in the paper 4 months ago. The advertisement claimed to give back a full head of hair in 2 months for a mere $550 with their Australian made products. The advertisement claimed hair growth would commence just after 1 week of using the product. George went to the company Hair help Pty Ltd studio, where Newman the sales assistant approached him. …

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…to take out the smaller competition. The push for an open competitive market can not be accomplished with practices such as price fixing. If any company is found to be involves in price maintenance they are prosecuted with high monetary penalties. In succeeding in this the ACCC relies on the people who are being approached by the companies involved in price fixing coming forward, as to protect the competition in the Australian free market place.