Mark Antonys Speech

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mark Antony's Speech In William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Antony confronts a crowd that is against him and on the side of the conspirators who just killed Caesar. In order to turn the crowd to his side; Antony uses rhetorical questions, appeals, and irony in his speech to the people. Without breaking his word not to wrong the conspirators, Antony indirectly persuades the crowd that the conspirators were wrong in killing Caesar and that Caesar's death …

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…He wanted to change their minds about the conspirators. Antony uses irony in his speech and it helps the crowd understand and see his viewpoints. Through this use of rhetorical questions, appeals, and irony, Antony does turn the crowd against the conspirators. This shows the effectiveness of the way he used these devices. In persuading the crowd to be on Caesar's side, Antony displays the power of these rhetorical devices. I love you Ms. Getzlaff.