Marilyn Monroe's life, focusing mainly on her marriage to playwright Arthur Miller

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Norma Jeane Mortenson was born on the first of June, 1926, in the charity ward of the Los Angeles General Hospital to Gladys Baker. Due to the identity of her father being undetermined, she was later baptized Norma Jeane Baker. Most of the childhood of Norma Jeane was spent in foster homes and orphanages since her mother had psychological problems that eventually led to her becoming committed to a mental institution. In 1937, Norma Jeane was taken-in …

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…Robert F. Kennedy, and the president of that time, John F. Kennedy. She also became involved with members of the Mafia through Sinatra such as Sam Giancana. Sadly, in the early morning of August 5, 1962, 36-year-old Marilyn Monroe died in "her sleep" at her Brentwood, California home. Joe DiMaggio helped to arrange her funeral and on August 8, 1962, Marilyn's body was laid to rest in the Corridor of Memories, #24, at Westwood memorial Park in Los Angeles, California.