Margaret Atwood's poem "The Interior Decorator" is described and explicated in a masterful and inspiring way.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Use of extended metaphors, and symbols to represent internal feelings and states of being are techniques Margaret Atwood utilizes in her poem "The Interior Decorator." The poet attempts to describe an intrinsic struggle to hide and veil painful emotions through the art of interior decoration. It describes aspects of personality used to cover these feelings and the overall failure of it do so. When one examines the title "The Interior Decorator" one may think of …

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…cover one's feelings and appear okay instead of processing them through grieving or a period of inner silence and honesty. The poet suggests that no matter how long one holds the emotions at bay they will prevail and one will have to address them. She is imparting a gift to the readership in a similar circumstance; set the interior decorator aside and be authentic, thereby allowing oneself to address the pain and move beyond it.