Managed Health Care.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
Of the approximately 257.8 million individuals currently living in the United States of America, every one of them has a need for effective, affordable and accessible health care coverage and services. Within the past thirty to forty years, the scope and cost of health care coverage and services has drastically changed, altering the manner in which health care was previously managed. There are several factors that have affected the cost of health care coverage over the …

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…impact on expenditures, remains to be assessed. Regardless of which path is taken, evaluation of medical technology is likely to become increasingly important as costs continue to rise and the American consumer demands the most effective and up-to-date innovations. Given all of the complex information in the health care sector, a clearer understanding of how managed care plans ration medical technology is imperative. We must work to develop acceptable, mutually agreeable mechanisms to ration care.