Magic Spider; A tutorial in it's use to download

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
This is a tutorial to save whole websites. You maybe wondering what is so useful in saving a website. For instance you need to capture records off a database in automated fashion, because doing it manually through repetitive save as.. actions in the browser becomes too repetitive that it leads to more problems than carpel tunnel syndrome. Let's say for example you just want to store locally from an essay website like Cheathouse or from …

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…application that will let you do this, because most websites use webservers that use cgi at it's scripting language to retrieve records as massive as Cheathouse and Getright and other downloaders can't understand this. I also tried using Acrobat 6 Full using the save website function and it kept on downloading the same file in the essay subfolder. It sounds simple, but trust me there was alot of trial and error to making this tutorial possible.