MGT 350 Tools and Techniques Paper

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Introduction Successful planning involves the choice of one of many tools and techniques. Plan can use a combination of these tools and techniques to achieve the best possible results. I will provide and example of an instance in my company that uses the technique I choose. I will also examine when you should choose a different tool or technique. Tools and Techniques I choose a planning technique that I found on a website called managementhelp.…

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…for simpler decisions. Companies will use this method for larger long-term success problems. References: Bassham et al. (2002). Critical Thinking. New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill Companies. Retrieved Febuary 14, 2006, from University of Phoenix, Resource, MGT/350 Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making Web site: McNamara, Carter, MBA, Ph.D. (1999). Basic Guidelines for Successful Planning Process. [On-line Article]. Available at: