Lung Cancer.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Astronomy
Every year, over 160 000 people in the US alone die just because of lung cancer. Just because of lung cancer, many adulthoods have been cut short; just because of lung cancer, many families have been ripped apart; just because of lung cancer, many people will now have to face treatments that will change their lives forever. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among men and second highest among women. Of the thousands that …

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…form masses called tumors. There are two types of tumors, benign tumors and malignant tumors. Benign tumors enlarge only at the area where they began while malignant tumors destroy and invade tissue around them, causing them to spread throughout the body. People all around the globe now live in fear of this deadly disease. It has changed the lives of many and will continue to if new cures aren't found. Lung cancer: it's a killer.