"Lord of the Flies" and "The Outsider" comparision

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Essay Database > Entertainment
One of the key elements to survival is being able to adapt to society. The ability to adapt leads to success in life, but failure to adapt leads to tragedy and sometimes in extreme cases "death". The book "Lord of the Flies" and "The Outsider" illustrates Piggy and Mersault lacking the basic instinct to accept changes in their life. Piggy and Mersault died at the end because of their inability to adapt to changes in …

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…internal isolation from society can also change the human nature as well. The role of society worked well in both books. The last thing I have to say is that reading both these books was very interesting. I found different styles of writing from both authors and found out some similar and different aspects of the books. Lord of the Flies and The Outsider are both great literatures that shouldn't be missed by any student.