"Looking For Alibrandi": Three charaters which showed personal courage are Josie, Katia and John. (From the book)

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the book "Looking for Alibrandi" there are many characters that show personal courage. John Barton, Josephine Alibrandi and Nonna Katia are the three characters that this essay focuses on. They all show some form of personal courage to live their lives the way they did in this book. John Barton had a lot of stress put on him. He was expected to live up to the family's standards of profession, which meant he had …

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…time when Nonna showed personal courage was when she had to leave her own country. It would have taken a lot to leave knowing you would never see your mother and father again. Nonna was also very brave when she arrived in Australia and was left alone with out any one to talk to. Every one has some personal courage. It just depends how you use it as to how many people will recognize it.