Lithuanian basketball

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Lithuanian basketball: pass, present and future In 1891 American teacher James Naismith invented basketball. Year after year it became more and more popular, people played basketball in more and more countries. In 1922 Steponas Darius brought it to Lithuania. It became popular so fast, as TV after World War II. Level of Lithuanian basketball was so high, that in 1935 Lithuanian team played in the European championship. In 1935 championship took place in Riga (Latvia). Lithuanians were debutantes, and …

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…top teams from Denmark, Norway and Ukraine. Russia and Belarus have both shown interest in joining the league as it continues to grow and could be added in later seasons. Basketball in Lithuania is very popular. The most popular TV programs are basketball matches. Everybody in Lithuania knows what the basketball is. Young and old play basketball. Thousands celebrate victories. Lithuania isn't only amber country; it's basketball country too. Basketball is the second Lithuanian religion.