Literary Response Essay (The Club, David Williamson).

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Title: "The Club" Author: "David Williamson" Essay Question: "The Club, a mixture of intrigue and comedy, adds up to a serious indictment of our life and times. Discuss." ------------------------------------------------------- On the outer surface, David Williamson's 'The Club' is an intriguing and humorous play about the power-plays within a Melbourne football club. But when delved in more deeply, it can be seen that this seemingly simple Australian comedy is a serious indictment of our life and …

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…not taken as seriously as they should. Cases go unreported, and the issue as a whole is even considered as a joke by some. In short, 'The Club' uses intrigue and humour to expose the faults and shortcomings of the society we live in. By taking a good look around us, we can see bits of Jock, Ted, Gerry, Laurie, Danny and Geoff; and the values that they stand for are evident everywhere in society.