Life, description and other facts about Snapping Turtles.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Snapping Turtles Turtle Introduction The common snapping turtle lives in North America from Nova Scotia, Canada, to Florida to all areas east of the Rocky Mountains. Common snapping turtles prefer to live in river and lake bottoms. Snapping turtles have a tan to black shell, strong jaws, sharp claws and a long heavily serrated tail. Turtle Detection Turtle shells are wonderful protection. When a turtle is afraid he pulls himself into his shell to hide …

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…are called sea turtles in the United States and turtle in Great Britain. Another interesting fact about turtles is molting they are part of the reptile family and molt their scales called scutes one at a time. A fact just on the common snapping turtle they are known to be vicious but there are no records of unprovoked attacks on people. Not only common snapping turtles but all turtles are amazing reptiles and fascinating creatures.