Les Miserable

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Les Miserables Jean Valjean spent 19 years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread. He made several attempts of escape and never made it but finally released. His imprisonment hinders his chances of refuge for the night as shown at Digne where he is repeatedly refused shelter until he arrives at Monseigneur Myriel's house, the bishop, and he welcomes him. The bishop and his take very good care of him, but all Valjean does to …

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…chased Smokey and the Bandit, another example of bad chasing the good. Romeo and Juliet would be a great example of Marius and his love, Cosette. Romeo of course would be Marius and Juliet would be Cosette. Cosette is so beautiful to Marius and he is in love with her. Any time they are apart it break's each other's heart. They would do anything for each other and if it came down to it, die.