Legalization of Marijuana - Persuasive - Against

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Three-quarters of the U.S. population oppose the legalization of psychoactive drugs like heroin, cocaine, LSD, methamphetamine, and marijuana. Therefore, the term "drug legalization" has rightfully acquired pejorative connotations. Many supporters of this position have adopted the label "harm reduction" to soften the impact of an unpopular proposal that, if passed, would encourage greater availability and use of drugs -- especially among children. The euphemism of "harm reduction" implies that legalizing dangerous substances would reduce …

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…environment at will, or endanger the self and others by refusing vaccination or similar life-saving health measures. In general, our laws indicate that self-destructive activity should not be permitted or condoned. Drug consumption damages the brain, which in turn produces other forms of destructive behavior. U.S. law does not grant people the right to destroy themselves or others. Addictive drugs were criminalized because they are harmful; they are not harmful because they were criminalized.