Legalization of Drugs Can Benifit Everyone - Supproting legalized drug use.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Legalization of Drugs Can Benefit Everyone Illegal drugs are a popular and convenient scapegoat for the failures of today's society. Historically they have been associated with crime, poverty, disease, and death. These are tough issues for a politician to take a stand on. When there is no one else to point a finger at, drugs fill the need for blame. Those who oppose the legalization of drugs tend to focus on the mal effects of …

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…Drugs are integrated with today's society. The war on drugs has obviously been a complete failure. It is a battle that can't be won on the streets. The misuse of drugs obviously is a detriment to all who are involved with them. Let' stake this into consideration by regulating drugs instead of trying to eradicate them. Drugs are here to stay. It would make sense to turn them into a commodity instead of a crime.