Legalising Marijuana

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
I believe that marijuana should be legalized. I believe that if the government did so the National debt would be greatly decreased by the money it would make from the taxation of marijuana and also from the decrease in law enforcement and jail cost that is caused by the "criminal" aspects of marijuana. I believe that the use of marijuana would be more likely to go down than up with the legalization of it. I …

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…than 2/3 were positive for alcohol also. In closing I would like you to think about these two things 1) Why is it that many countries in the world have legalized marijuana and have, by most accounts, far less problems than the U.S.? and 2) Why is it that you can buy rolling papers, pipes, and bongs that are typically used for marijuana use at stores all over the country but it is illegal to smoke it?