Legal approach to "A Few Good Men"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
A Few Good Men The movie, "A Few Good Men," is a story about a pair of U.S. Marines that are charged with murder. They feel that their innocence prevails because their acts were committed as direct orders from their superiors, and these types of orders are not disobeyed. As the story unravels, there are many legal issues that we have covered in our class, BU11, The Legal Environment of Business. In this paper, …

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…was arrested for the murder of PFC Santiago. When the jury finishes deliberating, the have come to a verdict. They found the defendants innocent on charges of murder and on conspiracy to commit murder. However, they found them guilty on the count of conduct unbecoming a Marine. That is, they conducted in a way that Marines should not. Instead of protecting people like PFC Santiago, they obeyed a bad order and ended up killing them.