Legal and Illegal Immigration in the U.S. A Persuasive essay on why the United States needs to improve security its borders.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Immigration Immigration in the United States has grown to an all time high. Now when someone hears the word immigration they automatically think of "illegal" immigrants from Mexico. But it's people from all countries, legal and illegal. I will give my reasons why the United States should place more restrictions on immigrants. When the two World Trade Center towers where destroyed everyone immediately thought of terrorist's. Later United States intelligence linked it to Osama Bin …

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…that the United States should place much more restrictions on the people coming into the U.S. Legal and illegally. I have already said that many immigrants have taken many job opportunities away form the native born Americans and that the U.S. can't afford to track them. Now I'm not saying that we should ban people from our country, but our nation needs to screen people much better then the way they are now.