Legal Abortion=Freedom of Choice Whenever a society attempts to outlaw abortions, it ignores the same urgent reasons for safe, legal abortions that have always existed.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Legal abortions are essential in a free society that values women and their rights. Abortion is never an easy decision, but women have been making that decision for thousands of years. Whenever a society attempts to outlaw abortions, it ignores the same urgent reasons for safe, legal abortions that have always existed. Choice is good for families. There are many programs such as family planning, sex education, and contraception which diminish the number of unwanted …

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…Clinics providing such service have been bombed. Is this respect for life? No society committed to rights and freedoms for the individual could seriously consider returning to back-alley abortions, and to the government forcing women to bear children against their will. Many women today do not accept that. They can now select their own paths in society including when and whehter to have children. Legal abortions are critical in maintaining freedom of choice for women.