Law Enforcement Explorer.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Blue lights swirl around the top of the highly tuned police cruiser, sirens loud enough to wake up the next town. One can see two police officers run down a fleeing armed robbery suspect. Is this another episode of COPS? No, those two officers that just chased down a felon are Law Enforcement Explorers. What has just happened was a training exercise to test the explorer's senses and judgment. All of this while being overwhelmed …

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…urn:bigchalk:US;Lib&dtype=0~0&dinst=0&author=Elizabeth+Sims%2C+Staff&title=Police+Explorers+get+inside+look+at+law+enforcement+Young+members+%27just+eat+it+up%27++&date=09%2D09%2D1999&query=police+explorer&maxdoc=26&idx=5#besthit Unknown Author. Exploring. 2002. Learning For Life. Accessed March 2003 Unknown author. "Police cadet, security guard are heroes of Wal-Mart shootout" The FresnoBee. Utah Associated Press. March 9, 2003.