Las Vegas

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
"The flight to Las Vegas was very picturesque, and the view of the Grand Canyon was unbelievable, " I said to Michelle, as we got off the jet and walked into the terminal. "Man this is a beautiful airport! Look Michelle, they even have slot machines at the airport!" "I know," she laughed. "I heard they have them in the washrooms as well." The airport was an amazing place. The skylights and glass windows made the …

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…inserted into the slot machine, and attached to the card was a coiled string that went around the person's neck. I said to Michelle, "This looks weird. It looks like they are part of the machine." She grabbed my arm, and we hurried to the baggage claim, so we could get our bags and be on our way. "Honey, I think this is going to be a memorable trip," she said. "You bet," I laughed.