Lancelot in "The knight of the cart". Refers also to Odysseus

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good (Romans 12:9).' This principal seems to be markedly evident as one closely examines the actions and thoughts behind the character of Sir Lancelot in The Knight of the Cart. When one encounters the adventures of Odysseus in The Odyssey, however, the values of a completely different and slightly opposing culture present themselves. In the medieval times of Sir Lancelot, an ideal …

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…to look compassionately at those with whom he must do combat. Although each of these time periods is quite different from the other in many ways, this is not to say that one culture has supremacy over the other or is any more valuable to the Western thought of today. Each civilization has donated much which governs the way we think today and should be regarded with the utmost respect as a truly great culture.