Lab report on a fischer esterfication

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Fischer Esterification Kyle Peterson Chem. 243a Matt Judd, Sec. 25 Date Performed: 10/15/03 Abstract: The objective of this experiment is to efficiently perform a fischer esterification of 1-Hexanol to form water and hexyl acetate, and to confirm the esterification with a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. It was found that 0.3963 grams hexyl acetate was formed with a percent yield of 33.2%. The product was confirmed using NMR, IR, and boiling point confirmation. Backround: A Fischer Esterification is the …

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…forms. Third, if the starting material or finished product were spilled when being weighed the percent yield would be incorrect. To get better results in this experiment would simply be to do as many trials as it takes until the results show a higher percent yield. By doing this one could lower the error percentage and see what the actual amount of Hexyl acetate that can be produced if one was shooting for high yield.