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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
Kundun Kundun is the biography of the fourteenth Dalai Lama who is the head of the Buddhist religion and the leader of the Tibetan government, who is currently exiled in India. It is the belief of Buddhists that the Dalai Lama is a reincarnated spirit of the Buddha of Compassion. Rebirth is an important belief and refereed to as the wheel of life. Rebirth is the process of being born over again in different times …

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…sometimes they are hard to follow if you do not understand Buddhism. There were some rituals that were portrayed that did not really have an answer, and it kept you waiting to find one, but without one. For example, not being familiar with Buddhism makes it hard to understand why someone would cut up someone's parent's remains and feed it to the animals. Although, you do not have to fully understand Buddhism to appreciate Kundun.