King Lear

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Parental blindness / Filial Ingratitude / Madness Essay written by Elizabeth T As Shakespeare presents to us a tragic pattern of parental and filial love, in which a prosperous man is devested of power and finally recognises his "folly", empathy is induced in the audience. In "King Lear", it is noted from the beginning of the play that both Lear and Gloucester suffer from self-approbation and will consequently find revelation by enduring "the rack of this tough …

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…and obedience", his sorrow for himself returns and entices him to suicide. But in the steps of Shakespeare's notion of love and loyalty, we see Gloucester's good son Edgar remain by his side in disguise as Tom O Bedlam for a large porportion of the play. Gloucester's peaceful death signifies an accomplishment, just as Lear's "absolute power" is returned befor his own expiry following Cordelia's death, and peace is restored in the kingdom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**