King Lear

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Essay Database > Literature > English
King Lear Humans have qualities such as kindness, consideration, compassion and above all pity. Sometimes, however, human nature can be very primitive, like that of an animal, to act instinctively and without morals and consciousness. Further, it can cause one person to be dreadful toward another. This primitiveness is evident in King Lear through the unnatural way Goneril and Regan treat their father and through the evil manipulative actions of Edmund. At the beginning of …

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…else. Goneril, Regan and Edmund are all characters that lived their lives as animals, nasty, brutish and selfish. The reason it makes them evil is that they were aware of their actions, while animals are unconscious of their own selfish nature. The three of them only cared for themselves and how much territory they controlled. They showed no decency and generosity towards their own family. That is why their glory, possessions and lives were short.