King Lear

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
King Lear: The Price of Folly William Shakespeare has earned his stature as one of the greatest and most prolific writers of his time. His multitude of plays and other written works have become buried into the subconscious of all who speak the English language. Reading through his plays though, reveals the pattern that all playwrights of the day followed in the Elizabethan era. One noticeable aspect among many was the personalities of the characters. …

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…though she knows what her sisters said where untrue. She leaves with her new husband, the king of France, and leaves dowerless and heartbroken. With Cordelia out of the way, Goneril and Cordelia now each owns 1/2 of the kingdom, along with their spouse's existing holdings. Almost from the beginning they plot on how to get rid of their father who had arranged to stay with Goneril and Regan's new homes along with one hundred knights.