King Lear

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
' King Lear ' ' King Lear ' An important idea present in William Shakespeare's ' King Lear ' is rejection and the role this rejection plays in the experiences of the involved characters. The important ideas to be considered here are the causes and effects associated with the act of rejection. The most important situations to be considered in the story of ' King Lear ' are those that develop between the two fathers, Lear …

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…in the motives and actions of the characters in ' King Lear. ' Everyone deals with rejection in their own way and Shakespeare made this very clear through a wide variety of examples. Some accept rejection, some don't. Some look for revenge, while others try to set things right. It is the mentality, the strengths, and the personalities of the characters that produces their reactions. That is what Shakespeare wanted to convey to his audience.