King Lear

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow!" Often considered one of the most "gripping and poignant scenes in the play," the storm scene of Shakespeare's "King Lear" is quite powerful. King Lear, railing at the storm comes to realize the extent of his problems and those of others. Powerful imagery, syntax, diction and the action all combine during the storm scenes, making them a very important part of the play, showing Lear's descent into …

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…power, that show how King Lear came to realize that he no longer had any power and that he had make a big mistake when he gave away his lands and retired as king. Through imagery and diction, Shakespeare convincingly shows how King Lear, as result of the storm, changes. Lear's recognition of his problems came as a sudden shock to him, causing him to be more insightful and compassionate toward others because of it.