Key qualities of an ideal supervisor.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
KEY QUALITIES OF IDEAL SUPERVISOR Supervisors are the most important people of any organization. As front-line managers, they are involved in motivating workers to achieve the overall objectives of the company. They are also responsible to communicate the top management's vision and policies to the workers. Additionally, as the spokesperson of the people working under their supervision, they are responsible to bring up the workers' problems and suggestions to the top management. In this way, …

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…ultimate responsibility for this noble task lies with the supervisor. As one of the most important persons in any organization, every supervisor should acquire the abovementioned qualities. This will enable them to perform their duties professionally. Equipped with these qualities, they will earn the respect of their workers and get recognition from the top management. It is thus recommended to everyone involved in supervision to acquire these qualities in order to become an ideal supervisor.