Juvenile Delinquency in America.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Juvenile Delinquency in America Prelude This project was written 2 distinct parts - The analysis of the problem of juvenile delinquency in American society, and a theoretical, model court and rehabilitation system for handling the prosecution, sentencing, and reformation of juvenile delinquents. The full scale of this paper does not delve into the most intricate theories of any one aspect of the juvenile delinquency dilemma of today, rather it touches on a host of contributors which …

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…present system doesn't seem to be working. The unfortunate tendency of society to assume a "see-no-evil-hear-no-evil" policy has only worsened the already- burdened juvenile court system. People want "these hoodlums" off the streets, but they don't want the police hauling away their little Johnny. Parents can't understand why their kids are so bad because they can't see the failure in themselves. And this is the plight and wonder and irony of the juvenile justice system.