Juvenile Death Penalty.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
Psychology 101 Should Juveniles Receive The Death Penalty? I feel the death penalty is appropriate for juveniles in certain circumstances, such as murder and brutal crimes that are considered capital offenses. There have been several laws made for juveniles regarding the age they could be tried as adults in capital cases. These laws were made because a juvenile who was not yet considered an adult committed a horrific crime and knew what he or she was …

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…sixteen or forty-six years old. Being on death row isn't cruel and unusual punishment, being a murder victim is. Those who are murdered don't get a second chance. Why should the murderer? The death penalty saves lives because it stops those who murder from going back onto the streets and murdering again. In order for the death penalty to work the practice of it must be more consistent in cases of violent crimes, including juveniles.