Justice - This is a short essay written to question justice in modern day society.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
Justice Justice can be perceived in many different ways. Is it just that gas prices are so high? Is it just that taxes are so high? Is it just that you should be busted for smoking marijuana and not cigarettes? These are all things that we deal with in everyday life. We just live with it. There have been some stories in the news that can question the authority of Canada's present justice system. There …

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…Bad Guy" in all of this. Is it just that thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians could be killed in a war that doesn't have to happen? All of these stories question Justice throughout all aspects of the world, local and worldwide. Is there really a fair justice system that delivers justice every time? Or do we just have to live with the fact that sometimes people can get away with murder or other serious crimes?