"Joey's Morning"

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
It was around 4:30 am on Bergenline Avenue. The starlit sky slowly dissolved as a radiant fireball rose. The streets were desolate, only a handful of vehicles rolled down the street in silence. All was quiet, children rested their expanding minds, mothers held their newborns close, but then a siren rose…louder…louder…louder. A young boy by the name of Joey Watson awoke and peered out his window to see what all of the commotion …

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…the officer and placed him on the table. The officer walked solemnly back to the cruiser and drove away. The woman pushed the table into the Hearst, looked awkwardly at the corpse for a minute or so then opened the driver's side door and drove away. Joey them sat on the edge of his bed staring at the window in a daze until his mother entered to wake him up to get ready for school.