Job Satisfaction

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, August 1989 v89 n8 p1087(5) A research model for relating job characteristics and job satisfaction of university foodservice employees Kelly Mollica Duke and Jeanne Sneed The reason for this research is to find out why there is a high rate of job dissatisfaction in the foodservice business. Absenteeism and frequent job turnover is characterized by job dissatisfaction. The purpose is to learn ways of enhancing employee satisfaction to increase production, …

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…of the employees. If the employees are happy and friendly then the customers will be happy. Relationships between job characteristics and job satisfaction and between demographic variables and job satisfaction were demonstrated in a sample of University foodservice employees. Job satisfaction was more positively influenced by a higher rating of the job in the six characteristics than by employee demographic variables. Knowing this will help foodservice mangers in designing jobs that will improve employee satisfaction.