Jim Crow laws and education.

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Essay Database > History
African American Education/Before and After Jim Crow By Kathie Easter, for The Paper Store - April, 2000 VISIT www. Paperwriters.com/aftersale.htm for more information on using this paper properly! <Tab/>The "Jim Crow' laws of the early part of the twentieth century served to create a Southern apartheid in which African Americans were included from educational and employment opportunities and systematically suppressed (Painter 36). While successive waves of German, Jewish, …

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…Urban Education, v32 n2 (1997): May, pp. 304-319. McWhirter, Darien A. "Education and Racial Integration," Equal Protection, v1 (1994): December, pp. PG. (Available online at www.elibrary.com). Painter, Nell Irvin. "Trouble in Mind: Black Southerners in the Age of Jim Crow," The Nation, v266 n17 (1998): May, pp. 36-41. Tuleja, Tad. ìPlessy v. Ferguson,î The New York Public Library Book of Popular <Tab/>Americana. (1994): January, pp. PG.