Japanese military, social, political and economic reforms in the Meiji restoration.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
01.05.2003 Social Studies Japanese military, social, political and economic reforms in the Meiji restoration Military: In 1872 the Japanese military started to use conscription. This is same as drafting in the U.S.A. All conscripts had to serve a three year period in military service, after which they were put to reserves for four years. This system was introduced by Yamagata Aritomo, and the next year this same man set up the Japanese Imperial army. He …

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…himself... Social:In 1872 it was ordered that all children, boys and girls both, were to attend primary school for six years. After this the girls would go home and learn more about life from their mothers, when some of the more successful boys on the other hand were allowed to go and study in a high school and then to university...Extremely high standards were expected, as students also had to learn a foreign language.