Jane Addams' concept of "true womanhood"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The concept of "true womanhood" put forth by Jane Addams and other women suffrages fulfills the promise set forth by the New Women. These ideas of the women suffrages was to keep women in her own separate sphere, but to allow her sphere to grow outside of the home and into the surrounding world. Jane Addams and the other women suffrages wanted to fight in order to keep their status as a wife, a mother, …

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…men should have the right to vote, both believed that the natural rights of women should not be traded for her social, and political rights. These issues are looked upon as being two separate issues which need to be faced separately, and although the sphere of women was reaching outside of the home, it never left the home. Instead, with the broadening of the sphere equality between genders was being reached, and being fought for.